Having to decide what GCSE's to take can be daunting and feel like a huge and very important decision to make but there are ways to make this decision seem less overwhelming and more exciting as students gain more freedom in what they are studying and will be able to get a better idea of what they want to do in the future once they leave school.
· Schools will give students plenty of information on the GCSE subjects available and what each subject will entail over the two years of study leading up to the GCSE examinations.
· Schools should also have open evenings in which teachers from the subjects are available to talk to about what the course is like and it's a great opportunity to ask any personal questions you may have about the teaching style of the subject and what you will be doing over the next two years of study.
· It is always worth asking how a subject is marked and assessed! If you are a student who thrives on coursework and feels more comfortable completing assignments in your own time which then add up to a percentage of your final mark it may be worth while looking at subjects that have a high coursework percentage. Others find it difficult to motivate themselves, for coursework and find they achieve more when they sit a final exam and the result of that is their achievement of the course.
· It sounds obvious but choose subjects that you enjoy! It's important to listen to the advice of your parentr and teachers in what are the best options for your future, but remember that the decision is yours! You are doing the work and sitting the exam so it's important you enjoy the subject as much as possible! You are far more likely to achieve high results if you are actually interested and enjoy what you are learning about at school!
· Thinking of the future can be daunting and it can seem like leaving school is a long way away, but choosing your GCSE options is actually the first step into thinking about what you want to do in the future. If you do have some kind of idea of what you want to do and be in the future then choose subjects that will allow you to continue in the field you are interested in.
· Don't be swayed by what your friends are doing or what are considered 'cool' subjects because you may well regret this if your choices limit you in what you decide to continue with after you sit your GCSE's!
· The most important thing to remember is that what GCSE's you take wont dictate to you what you can and cant then do in the future. Students are young when they make these decisions and no doors will be closed to you! It is the first time students gain a little more freedom in what they are doing in school, but there are still limitations in place to ensure that all students take Math's, English and science as well as in some cases a foreign language and at least one humanities subject. This is to ensure students are still getting a broad education, though they can drop certain subjects they may hate and have had no interest in throughout their previous school education.
· Asking your teacher or tutor on how they think you will handle certain subjects is also a good idea, as they are in a position to give you honest advice and give you the extra help in something if you need it.